Beijing Longqing Ravine

Winter of Longqing Ravine


It fly to give rain by spring,arrive to winter jasmine snow, cliff ice already, still have pretty ice lanterns. Dragon celebrate gorge ice lantern turn on like one wonderful work often new often; Like one color transparent melody Qin loud at the earth of the northern part of the country. The dragon celebrates the gorge ice lantern and snow carving with its gifted geographical environment, the only tree, to the artistic field of Chinese ice and snow. Wonderful ice lantern snow carving art, let our space soul not including winter blend . . . . . . The dragon celebrates the gorge ice lantern to carry on the ice and snow model with the art form of the sculpture as raw materials with the solid ice , infiltrate naturally by the massif but form the silver thaw of enormous standing in great numbers, form rare icing the waterfall wonder, become and ice the background with immense and magnificent exhibition. Accompanied by the stereo of the color lamp, it is a kind of unique folk art. The dragon celebrates the gorge ice lantern and stresses the shape , color , sound , light , comprehensive effect moved in creating, look for novelty, strange , beautiful.
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