Beijing Longqing Ravine

Spring of Longqing Ravine


Dragon is it have one sleepy and lazy Yong on " cloud half temples simply sleep newly " spring in gorge to celebrate, green fog of a layer of one that floatses of the cage. In the fourth lunar month, the colored thing is making a noise among the mountains. At precipice hair, odd peach blossoms are turned on shiningly ; In mountain Ya, a slice of apricot flower can die young; It is a pear flower the most, always give somebody a feeling with rain of one spring. Dragon is it have one sleepy and lazy Yong on " cloud half temples simply sleep newly " spring in gorge to celebrate, green fog of a layer of one that floatses of the cage. In the fourth lunar month, the colored thing is making a noise among the mountains. At precipice hair, odd peach blossoms are turned on shiningly ; In mountain Ya, a slice of apricot flower can die young; It is a pear flower the most, always give somebody a feeling with rain of one spring.
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